Sunday 28 December 2008

Four things can increase Intelligence

Allah sends down his blessings on the Prophet, and His Angles constantly invoke His blessings on him; do you, O believers, also invoke Allah’s blessings on him and offer him the salutation of peace.’ (33:57)

Saturday 27 December 2008


In the name of ALLAH most gracious, most merciful

Allah sends down his blessings on the Prophet, and His Angles constantly invoke His blessings on him; do you, O believers, also invoke Allah’s blessings on him and offer him the salutation of peace.’ (33:57)

Hazrat Abu Hurayrah(May ALLAH be pleased at him) says that:

The Prophet Muhammad(PEACE BE UPON HIM) says that these two sentences are easy to say with your tongue but it is very worthful and blessful for you.

Thursday 25 December 2008

Medicine of the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) -Tibb al-Nabvi


Allah sends down his blessings on the Prophet, and His Angles constantly invoke His blessings on him; do you, O believers, also invoke Allah’s blessings on him and offer him the salutation of peace.’ (33:57)
Aslam o Alikum,
attention:These following medicines information has been taken from different Ahadis books.
My dear brothers and sisters OUR BELOVED PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) has told us how to cure ourself from various diseases.Here are some following medicines that OUR BELOVED PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) has told us:
1)Our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD( PBUH) says that:Except death ALLAH has made every diseases medicine.
2) our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) says that: The roots of every sicknesses or diseases start from headache.
3) our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) says that:when you feel hunger then start eating and don't eat as much as you can.
4) our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) says that: The stomach is the center of every disease.
5) our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) says that: whenever you have a pain or diseases try to hide them with warm cloth.
6) our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) says that:Don't wear shoes while eating because it is good for your feets.
7) our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) says that: it is not good that you eat food when you are doing shopping or standing with the group of people.
8)our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) says that: who eat with their servants those people will be famous in the Paradise.
9) our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) says that: clean your teeths after eating. it will protect you from many diseases.
10)our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) says that:who loves ALLAH and HIS PROPHER then he/she has to respect his/her guests.
11) our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) says that:Always drink water,milk, juices etc in sitting comfortably.
12)our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) says that:wake up at late night, and praise to ALLAH then you will get the blessings from sky.
13) our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) says that:who eats less ALLAH will ask less in the day of judgement.
14) our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) says that:The best fruit is Grapes and best food is Roti.
15) our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) says that:Try to taste salt before start eating and it will protect you from three kind of diseases.
16)our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) says that:Try to drink water slowly in several intervals
17) our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) says that: Try to eat Goat's meat as mush as you can.
18) our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) says that: There are alot of benefits in fruits, try to eat fruits as much as you can.
19)our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) says that: when the woman knows that she is preganent then her first and initial food will be dates.
20)our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) says that: Honey is good for heart diseases and it also increase the human memory.
21)our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) says that: Melon is good for stomach
22) our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) says that:Pomegranat is good for internal human body.

Wednesday 24 December 2008

The importance of City Bukhra

In the name of ALLAH most gracious most merciful

The importance of city Bukara mostly we know but i did not know that but once one of my indonasian friend told me about the importance of City Bukara.

The city Bukhra is the capital of Bukara province of Uzbekistan(in central asia formely part of soviet union).

Many prominent people lived in Bukara during the islamic era one of them was IMAM BUKHARI

حمد بن اسماعيل بن ابراهيم بن المغيرة بن بردزبه البخاري

Muhammad ibn ismail al-Bukhari, popuarly known as AL-Bukhari or Imam Bukhri. who was a famous sunni scholar.who has written a book hadith collection named Sahi Bukhari.

Imam Bukhari was born in july 20, 810 CE(shawal 13, 194 AH) in the city of Bukhra.
Imam Bukhri was totally blind when he was young and later on, when his mother who was pious worshippers prayed to ALLAH to retin the sight of his son, immediately next morning when Imam Bukhari got up he was able to see the rays of sun.

Imam Bukhari devoted his life for islam and he possessed a sharp and photographic memory.
Imam Bukhari had memorised 70,000 hadith by heart with their complete chain of narrations going from him to his teacher, and his teacher's teacher, all the way to the Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him).

Please must read this and try to implement these advices

Assalamu'alaikum Wa Rahmatullah e Wa Barakatuhu
Dear brothers and Sisters,
The Holy Quran says that: Pray to ALLAH that HE forgives your sin that you are doing in this world.
O' people we are muslim by the grace of ALLAH but on daily basis we are doing things that islam stricly prohibited.
Avoid to take interest
ALLAH tells us in the Holy Quran that getting a interest (Riba) will destroy us and we muslim now a days doing all our businesses with interest and trying getting more and more interest for propser future but it will not work. We have seen that the economy crsis in the world, and these crsis demonstrates us that the business with interest no one go for long.Interest, one day will destroy us for sure because it has been written in Quran.
Hush Money (Bribery)
Bribery is a major sin, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “May the curse of Allaah be upon the one who pays a bribe and the one who takes it.”
Cable ,Vulgar emails ,Non Sense Sms,Movies and Video Songs.
Nowadays , we can imagine that cable T.V, vulgar emails , non sense Sms, Movies and video Songs have become an important part of our lives and we cannot live without them.
why we don't use cable T.V to listen or watch religious programms?
why we don't send islamic emails to our brothers and sisters?
why we don't send sms which we guide our brothers and sisters to our religion?
why we don't watch movies those help to increase our islamic knowledge?
Time is Money
we know that time is money but why we waste our time for unneccessary talking on the mobile phones for hours and hours . why don't we go Mosque when our ears listen Azan?

Don't be afraid of Influenza(Flu)

IN the name of ALLAH most gracious and most merciful

Allah sends down his blessings on the Prophet, and His Angles constantly invoke His blessings on him; do you, O believers, also invoke Allah’s blessings on him and offer him the salutation of peace.’ (33:57)

Our Beloved prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him ) says:

"Don't be afraid of influenza because it protects you from mental disaster"


Abdul manan

Thursday 18 December 2008

Sunday 14 December 2008

What our beloved prophet(peace be upon him) says about backbiters

Back-biter one who always says mean and spiteful things about (as one not present).
oNE who slanders another behind his back .i.e in his absence.

Saturday 13 December 2008

The importance of vegetables during eating

Allah sends down his blessings on the Prophet, and His Angles constantly invoke His blessings on him; do you, O believers, also invoke Allah’s blessings on him and offer him the salutation of peace.’ (33:57)

" Keep vegetables at your food table and it keeps satan, away"

How can you get ALLAH's blessings at home

Dear brothers and sisters,

Aslam o Alikum,

Our prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) says that if anyone wants to increase ALLAH'S BLESSINGS at home then someone has to wash hands before eating and after eating. Then, INSHA-ALLAH ALLAH showers HIS blessings upon them.

Thursday 11 December 2008

Do good with your parents

Allah sends down his blessings on the Prophet, and His Angles constantly invoke His blessings on him; do you, O believers, also invoke Allah’s blessings on him and offer him the salutation of peace.’ (33:57)

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him ) Says that
"Do good with your parents"

Indeed it is a good deed and ALLAH loves this deed and people who love their parents and have a nice behaviour with them specially when they become old.

Thanx to My ALLAH. He is giving me everything.

Allah sends down his blessings on the Prophet, and His Angles constantly invoke His blessings on him; do you, O believers, also invoke Allah’s blessings on him and offer him the salutation of peace.’ (33:57)


O ALLAH my deeds are not not good but O ALLAH your blessings are on me. O my ALLAH please show me the right path for the sake of Holy Prophet Muhammad ( PEACE BE UPON HIM).

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Very very important for all Solo Sex

Those who achieve insufficient satisfaction from sexual intercourse and return to masturbation, or never give it up, the torments are great. Everywhere they look, their friends are unashamedly enjoying the pleasures of normal sexual relationship. No part of society caters for them and they are even cowardly shy to campaign for "Masturbators Liberation." Sex life for most of them is fairly empty.One of the most humiliating problems that the constant male masturbator suffers from when he attempts to have sexual relationship is premature ejaculation or the failure to maintain an erection. When he is masturbating, he tends to reach his orgasm as quickly as possible, but in sexual intercourse he normally has to attempt to control his excitement, which can impose a great strain on a person who indulged in self-abuse over a lengthy period.Therefore people who continuously masturbate, lose out all round. The physical pleasure becomes reduced to a natural act like urination, or excreting, and at the back of their minds there is an awareness that they are missing on the real pleasures of life. No adult can honestly claim to masturbate without a guilty feeling of complete uselessness. Masturbation is merely an exhaustive, rather than constructive undertaking, resulting in nothing but total loss. Once orgasm has been achieved there is Nothing else left, except for a feeling of complete emptiness. The following extracts from the writings of a dignified physician of the Unani medicine will give one some idea of the damage done through masturbation: "Most often, students, bachelors or widowers and hypocritical godly persons are its victims. It is such an evil practice that has ruined many families and many more are being ruined today. The lack of manly vigor and decline in the standard of young men's health is evidence enough for this horrible social evil, eating into the vitals of an otherwise healthy nation. If only our young men could foresee the consequences of this evil at their own hands bring on them! It can be said with some certainty that eighty percent of our young men are the victims of masturbation. This accursed practice affects equally the heart, the brain, the liver, the stomach, the kidneys along with the reproductive organs. This practice makes the muscles and the nerves of the reproductive organ sagging and lifeless. Accumulation of fluids in the veins makes it unfit for its normal function. There is extreme feebleness in the power of erection. The heat of the friction between the delicate muscles of the organ and the tough hide of the hand damages the former beyond repair." (Miftahi, Modesty and Chastity in Islam)Following the excitement which accompanies masturbation, comes the feeling of shame, anger, humiliation, and the sense of futility. This sense of guilty and humiliation deepens as the years go on, into a suppressed rage, because of the impossibility to escape. The one thing that it seems impossible to escape from, once the habit is formed, is masturbation. It goes on and on, on into old age, in spite of marriage. And it always carries this secret feeling of futility and humiliation. And this is, perhaps, the deepest and most dangerous cancer of our civilization. Instead of being a comparatively harmless vice, masturbation is certainly the most dangerous sexual vice that a society can be afflicted with, in the long run.
MASTURBATION UNDER ISLAMIC LAW Islam strictly forbids the waste of seminal fluid through masturbation. The one who discharges his seminal fluid with his hand is damned. This evil practice removes the normal bright look of a man's face, and he looks melancholy and dejected. He loses his health and quite frequently his vitality and sexual stamina through this disgusting practice. The Qur'aan declares: "The Believers are those who abstain from sex except with those joined to them in marriage bond, or those whom their righht hand possess for (in their case) they are free from blame, but those who crave something beyond that are transgressors."Beyond the wife and slave woman all ways and means of sexual satisfaction are unlawful. They include adultery, sodomy, masturbation, etc. From this it can be deduced that masturbation falls under the context 'but those who crave ...' and is therefore immoral and a sin in Islam. Views expressed by the Shafi'i jurists on this matter are clearly illustrated by Imam Nawawi whose opinion is typical of the Shafi'i Jurists as a whole. He declared that masturbation was absolutely forbidden. It was only permitted when it was performed by the hand of a man's wife or concubine, for he has a right to the enjoyment of her hand as he has to the rest of her body." The author of Subul al Salam according to al-Juzairi, states: "Some of the Hanbali and Hanafi Jurists are of the opinion that masturbation may be permissible in the event that one fears (that is, not engaging in it) would lead to his committing adultery, fornication. But be cautious that such a view is weak and is not to be relied upon."According to Maliki school of thought masturbation is deduced to be illegal from the following hadith narrated by 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (Radhiallaahu Anhu): "We were with the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) while we were young and had no wealth whatsoever. The Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "O assembly of youths ; whoever among you possesses the physical and financial resources to marry, should do so, because it helps him guard his modesty, and whoever is unable to marry, should fast, as fasting diminishes his sexual power.’ Therefore, the jurists of this school are of the opinion that if masturbation was permitted, the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) would have acknowledged its permissibility because this is much simpler than fasting. Since the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) did not mention it, demonstrates that it is prohibited. From the evidence presented so far, it can be seen that Shari’ah not only classifies this type of unnatural waste of seminal fluid as illegal, but also advocated strict measures for its prevention.

Thursday 11 September 2008

Please Try to Avoid Listening Songs

Dear Brother and Sisters,
How are you doing?
I have got an email about " Listening Songs" and really it is not permitted in our religion "ISLAM". i always listen Songs in Mp3 player while i have been going to school or on Vacations.
So Nowadays i am trying to avoid Songs as much as i can and you my dear Brothers and Sisters please try to avoid that also.

The world, nowadays, have become full of sin and we are commiting to do it. Let us pray to our ALMIGHTY that please show us a right Path and fill our hearts with the love of OUR PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PEACE BE UPON HIM).


" Our PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PEACE BE UPON HIM) Says that " In my Ummat there are people who born and think that Zana( illegal Sex), Drink Alcohal and listen Songs are Legal in Islam.

" Our PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PEACE BE UPON HIM) says that" In my Ummat there are people who drink ALCOHAL and sit with women who give them pleasure with their voice and Songs. But ALLAH Surely put them, on the day of Judgement, under the earth where they will repent on their SIN.


Sunday 7 September 2008

Tuesday 2 September 2008

The Message of the Day

Allah sends down his blessings on the Prophet, and His Angles constantly invoke His blessings on him; do you, O believers, also invoke Allah’s blessings on him and offer him the salutation of peace.’ (33:57)

Sunday 31 August 2008

Welcome to the Month of ALLAH

Aslam o Alikum
Dear Brother and sisters,

Welcoming the Month of Ramadhan: The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has said: "The month of Ramadhan comes to you. This is a blessed month" (Kitab-ul-Saum). The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has declared this month as the "month of Allah" because one abandons all otherwise "lawful" things in the way of Allah. He has also declared this month as the "Chief of the months." Worship during this month gains more blessings so one should fast with sincere intentions and worship should be performed to win Allah's pleasure.

please remember me in your prayers and inshallah i will remember you as well.

Regards and have a nice Ramadan,
Abdul Manan

Friday 29 August 2008

The Last Journey

Aslam o ALikum,

Hello friends how are you doing? i hope you are doing very well by the grace of ALLAH ALMIGHTY.
Friday 29 th August
it was a stressful day for me because after noon around 13:00 Ó clock i heard that one of my friend has died in Mosque when he came to pray for Fajar. it was very shocking news because i have met him a day before his death in Mosque and he was prefectly alright. But dear friends nobody knows the time of his death.

i went to the Ghousia Mosque at amsterdam Holland where the people have gathered for the funeral of my friend and his death body has already arrived there.

After his funeral pray The Mosque Imam said alot of things! That our friend is not with us now and everybody has to die. please dont do bad deads and be honest with yourself and prepare yourself for the ends life.we have to face ALLAH one day and surely HE'll ask us about our deads.

However, dear friends lets try to prepare ourselves for the ends life and do good deads as well as try to spend our life according to the way of HOLLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PEACE BE UPON HIM).