Wednesday 24 December 2008

Please must read this and try to implement these advices

Assalamu'alaikum Wa Rahmatullah e Wa Barakatuhu
Dear brothers and Sisters,
The Holy Quran says that: Pray to ALLAH that HE forgives your sin that you are doing in this world.
O' people we are muslim by the grace of ALLAH but on daily basis we are doing things that islam stricly prohibited.
Avoid to take interest
ALLAH tells us in the Holy Quran that getting a interest (Riba) will destroy us and we muslim now a days doing all our businesses with interest and trying getting more and more interest for propser future but it will not work. We have seen that the economy crsis in the world, and these crsis demonstrates us that the business with interest no one go for long.Interest, one day will destroy us for sure because it has been written in Quran.
Hush Money (Bribery)
Bribery is a major sin, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “May the curse of Allaah be upon the one who pays a bribe and the one who takes it.”
Cable ,Vulgar emails ,Non Sense Sms,Movies and Video Songs.
Nowadays , we can imagine that cable T.V, vulgar emails , non sense Sms, Movies and video Songs have become an important part of our lives and we cannot live without them.
why we don't use cable T.V to listen or watch religious programms?
why we don't send islamic emails to our brothers and sisters?
why we don't send sms which we guide our brothers and sisters to our religion?
why we don't watch movies those help to increase our islamic knowledge?
Time is Money
we know that time is money but why we waste our time for unneccessary talking on the mobile phones for hours and hours . why don't we go Mosque when our ears listen Azan?

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